Slovenia has 93 freshwater fish species, of which 33 are protected.
A few of them are particularly favored by anglers, including Marble Trout, Brown Trout, Grayling, Rainbow Trout and Danube Huchen.
Brown Trout (Salmo trutta m. fario)
An endemic fish of the Danube river basin, also present in the Adriatic basin
Colorful body that adapts to the terrain and masks river's bed displays black and numerous red spots, which normally have white halos.
Spawning period: October to December
Closed season: October 1st to Februaty 28th/29th
Fishing season: March 1st or April 1st to September 30th
Their length is conditioned by their living habitat.
Marble Trout (Salmo trutta marmoratus)
An endemic fish of the Adriatic river basin
Stunning marble pattern body where colors meander from bright yellow and gray to darker brown and olive
Spawning period: November to January
Closed season: October 1st to March 31st
Fishing season: April 1st to September 30th
2 types based on phenotype (outer appearance) and genotype are:
- type Zadlascica: distinguishing marbled bodies, rare red coloration
- type Idrijca: distinguishing marbled pattern, red dots and red spots, usually located along the flanks (throughout the lateral line and also at the sides), tiny red spots between back and dorsal fin, often the red dots are present on the dorsal fin and upper and lower edge of the tail fin.
New scientific research in this field will probably provide an even more detailed understanding about this phenotype.
Their length is conditioned by their living habitat.
Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
An endemic fish of the Adriatic and Danube river basins
Red or orange caudal fin, crimson transversal stripe along the flanks, big fan-shaped dorsal fin with purple and reddish-blue checkered pattern.
Spawning period: April and May
Closed season: December 1st to May 15th
Fishing season: May 16th to November 30th
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Spawning period: February to April
Closed season: December 1st to February 28th
Fishing season: March 1st to November 30th